Hiring an Editor

Thanks to the internet, writers now have the ability to write and publish books on their own. Unfortunately, this has also led to books that are poorly edited or aren’t edited at all because their authors make the mistake of dismissing the professional services of an editor. 

In the gardens above the castle in Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

A writer may have an excellent story but doesn’t think that he or she needs the expert services that an editor provides. Or maybe the writer’s son’s girlfriend or a friend who majored in English or a fellow writer does the editing.
While this approach is a good start for content feedback and basic corrections, it is not nearly the same as hiring a professional editor.
I am mindful of time, budget, and need. I will always provide the most accurate and honest information possible so that you can make an informed decision when you hire me as your editor.
Get your FREE copy of Save Money! 7 Steps to Prepare Your Manuscript for Copy Editing.”